It's Tee Time!

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Privacy Policy


This is a website, so certain things get tracked.  In general, if you use this website, you acknowledge and that your activities will be monitored and you consent to the monitoring.  This website does not go out of it's way to track anything but the standard sort of tracking that a normal website would track.

Here is some of the tracking that we use:

  • Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager / Google Ads
  • Mailchimp
  • Server logs
  • Application logs

Ultimately, I am not interested in collecting more information about you than what I need in order to conduct the business of selling Mulligan merchandise.  I am not going to sell your information to any third-parties

If you really don't want to be tracked at all, the only thing I can suggest is using a VPN.  You are welcome to use this site while behind a VPN, in fact, I think it would be interesting to see how many visitors actually do that.  However, as soon as you make a purchase, I need to know your email and address.  

Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager / Google Ads:

This site uses Google Analytics to learn more about the source of our visitors, the types of content that is viewed, potentially some information about their current location, age, gender.  The word "potentially" is used here because Google doesn't always reveal that information.  It's all very standard Google stuff.

Sometimes I use Google Tag Manager, but that is mostly for managing Google Analytics.  Potentially, I could be running Google Ads.  With Google Tag Manager, I can use Google Analytics and Google Ads without slowing down the site as much.  

The information available in these tracking applications is anonymized, meaning, I don't know your name, physical address, etc.  No personal information is collected.  


I use Mailchimp for opt-in newsletters and other types of marketing.  In order to power the sign-up forms, this site uses some JavaScript provided by Mailchimp.  To my knowledge, Mailchimp has a respectable track-record and reputation for respecting privacy.  If you are concerned about Mailchimp, I recommend reviewing their privacy policy.

Server Logs

Servers have some tracking capabilities, also known as visitor logs.  This is primarily just an IP address.  Honestly, I only look at this information if the site has a problem and I need to reconstruct the issue.  Spammers and bots typically make up the majority of the information in these logs and it's of limited use.

Application Logs

Application logs includes certain information about what is actually happening in the website, such as when a new user registers, an order is placed, etc.  When you are logged in, it could display your user name along with an event ( such as saving an order, or updating your profile ).  Again, this is mostly so I can diagnose problems.

Application logs get overwritten after a certain number of entries, so this information is only available for a short amount of time, from maybe an hour to a day or two.  Just depends on how much stuff is logged.

Privacy Disclosure

Beyond collecting information, some information is shared with third-parties.  The only information that is shared with third-parties is the information needed to complete your order.


  • Fulfillment
  • Payment Processors
  • Shipping


I use a company to print and deliver our products.  In order to complete the order, they need your address.   Otherwise, it could not be delivered.  

Information provided to fulfillment:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email 
  • Your phone
  • Your purchase

Payment Processors

I use a company to accept payment.  I need payment.  The company I use is PCI compliant and has a pretty stout security / privacy policy.  

Information provided to payment processors:

  • Your Name
  • Your Email
  • Credit card or payment information
  • Your purchase


I do not hand deliver every purchase. Therefore, I use a shipping company to deliver your purchase.  The shipping company needs certain information about you to deliver your purchase.

Information provided to shipping:

  • Name
  • Address

Other Parties

I have an accountant and bookkeeper.  Those people might see some information about you.  Honestly, they don't care, and don't collect or store any of your information beyond what is needed to perform their role of keeping my accounting straight.  It's a big enough job as it is.

Beyond that, I will not sell or share your information.  If you have questions about any of this, please submit a contact form.